Davis is running late and rushing to take his children to school. His statement is inconsistent with the facts.
Vilchez’s first 911 call is placed at 8:19:43 AM. As documented by AT&T Wireless Phone records for Vilchez
Davis is still in neighborhood at 8:19 AM and his daughter’s school starts at 8:30AM (See excerpt from Lakala Davis Deposition below), and is 15 minutes from his residence according to Google Map.
Lakala Davis Deposition taken on 4/13/2009
PG 34 Line 8 Q. What’s the name of the school?
9. A. Tuskawilla Elementary School
There is no public or private school with that name in the area. There is a Tuskawilla Montessori School at 1625 Montessori Pt. Oviedo, Fl 32765-6611
This school is located 9.7 miles and 17 minutes from Davis’s residence according to Google Map, this time estimate does not take into account morning rush hour traffic.
Lakala Davis Deposition taken on 4/13/2009
PG 34 Line 14. Q. What time does school start for you?
15. A. 8:30
16. Q. And you started school at 8:30 last year as well?
17. A. Yes.