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State vs. Vilchez, Victor
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the case of State vs. Vilchez, Victor
State vs. Vilchez, Victor is about the events that happened on February 20, 2008 involving Victor Vilchez and Louis Aloysius Davis.
Davis is clearly heard in the beginning of his 911 call stating Vilchez's tag number to the 911 operator. Davis children can be heard on the 911 call from the Davis residence clearly stating the tag number of Vilchez's vehicle. Victor Vilchez has a vanity plate that reads "Ervay" which is fairly easy to see and remember after you follow the vehicle for a mile after you shoot at it.
Transcript of Louis Davis 911 call 2-20-08
911 Operator: Orange County 911 What is your emergency?
(inaudible) Children crying in background
911 Operator: Hello, caller what痴 your emergency?
Davis: Hold on (inaudible) E-R
911 Operator: Hello, caller.
Davis: E-R-V-A-Y E-R-V-A-Y
911 Operator: What痴 the address please?
Davis: E-R-V-A-Y
911 Operator: Hello? Can you hear me?
Davis: E-R-V-A-Y (Inaudible) E-R-V-A-Y
911 Operator: All right, hello? (pause) Hello? Ma知m? Ma知m? Sir? Hello? (beep) Hello?
911 Operator: There something called during (inaudible) hours. 407 758-5859
(Dial tone) Call disconnects and 911 Operator calls back:
911 Operator: Calling back and we値l open a line at 38 20 hours 407 758-5859
3 Rings later
Davis: Hello.
911 Operator: Hello, this is Lisa from Orange County. Someone dialed 911 What痴 going on? Hello?
Davis: Yes Ma知m
911 Operator: Someone dialed 911 from your cell phone.
Davis: Yes I did. I got, got a van chasing me, um. He ran into my car. Uh, He pulled out a gun and shot at me. Ma知m I shot back at him, OK. E-R-V-A-Y I had my kids in here.
911 Operator: OK, What your address, please?
Davis: and that van that followed me I am going to shoot?
911 Operator: Ma知m uh Sir, I need to know the location where your at.