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State vs. Vilchez, Victor

This web site is designed to provide an easy format to access the evidence in the case of State vs. Vilchez, Victor

State vs. Vilchez, Victor is about the events that happened on February 20, 2008 involving Victor Vilchez and Louis Aloysius Davis.

Davis claims that Vilchez fired 4 to 5 rounds at the corner of Autumnvale Drive and Egan Drive. Employee of the OCSO and School crossing guard Marino Velez who was on that corner made statements that no shots were fired on that corner. Witness Jose Rivera does not report hearing anything prior to witnessing the cars drive past him at his residence, and he lives 3 houses from the intersection. Davis's children gave statements that no shoots were fired at this time and place.


See Lakyah Davis Deposition from 4-13-09

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Lakala Davis's Deposition from 4-13-2009:

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