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State vs. Vilchez, Victor
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the case of State vs. Vilchez, Victor
State vs. Vilchez, Victor is about the events that happened on February 20, 2008 involving Victor Vilchez and Louis Aloysius Davis.
Louis Davis continued to follow Vilchez for over a mile from the time Davis started shooting at Vilchez on Egan Drive until he turned onto Autumnvale Drive off of Goldenrod Road.
Louis Davis followed Vilchez to the north end of Egan Drive. Davis then turned eastbound onto Lake Underhill Road directly behind Vilchez. Vilchez cut thru the parking lot of the bank on the southwest corner of Goldenrod Road and Lake Underhill Road exiting southbound onto Goldenrod Road. Davis followed Vilchez until he turned westbound onto Autumnvale Drive. Davis is heard in the beginning of his 911 call giving Vilchez’s tag number to the operator.