He JUST said that his initial thought was Vilchez was trying to get away. Louis Davis statement is not consistent with what he said only a few moments before!
Louis Davis Deposition taken on 4/13/2009
Pg. 16. Line 5. Q. Okay. Back to – you said he sped up --
Line 6. A. Yeah.
Line 7. Q. – after he hit his brakes.
Line 8-11. A. Right. Okay. And then I was telling my daughters to get – no. Okay. He sped up, and then I was telling – yes, I was telling my daughter to get his tag number.
Line 12-13. Q. Did you have your daughter duck down when you heard the first shot? Did you say anything to them?
Line 14. A. They actually got down themselves.
Line 15. Q. Okay.
Line 16-18. A. You know, they actually got down themselves. And at one point, I did tell them that; but I don’t remember at that point.
Line 19. Q. Okay. We’ll get to that.
Line 20-21. A. So you asked your daughter, Lakala, she’s in the front, to get the tag.
Line 22. A. Yes.
Line 23-24. Q. So did you follow him close enough to get the tag?
Line 25. A. I was trying to, but at that point – well, I did
Pg. 17. Line 1-4. catch up to him. Okay. And my initial thought was he was trying to get away, so I decided I was actually gonna aim to shoot his tires, his passenger-side rear tire out.
Line 5. Q. Okay. So is that what you tried to do there?
Line 6. A Exactly.
Line 7-9. Q. Okay. At this point, when you’re trying to shoot his tire out, and I’m talking now that he’s driving in front in of you –
Line 10. A. Uh-huh.