Davis is attempting to distort the distance and location between passing Vilchez and his car being hit.


Vilchez lives at 1400 Egan Drive and Davis was hit in front of the residence of John Garrido 913 Egan Drive. Using Google Map satellite view of the area, there are 3 speed bumps between the 2 residences. 913 Egan is almost 200 feet past the last speed bump and almost 300 feet before the next. Witness Garrido states there are no speed bumps nearby as Davis claims. Davis was not hit stopping for a speed bump and had traveled .3 of a mile between passing Vilchez and 913 Egan Drive and over 3 speed bumps.


Louis Davis Deposition taken on 4/13/2009

Pg. 12 Line 2-3. A. Okay. After he – after I passed him, let me try to remember exactly.

Line 4-6. After I passed him, he sped up. Okay. There was another speed bump coming up, so I slowed down; and that’s when he ran into me.

Line 7-8. Q. Okay. So that is at a speed bump where he ran into you?

Line 9. A. I passed the speed bump.

Line 10. Q. Okay. So you had just gone over the speed bumps?

Line 11. A. Yeah, just gone over the speed bump.

Line 12. Q. Okay.

Line 13. A. Yeah. Then he ran into me.

Line 14-16. Q. How many speed bumps was it that you went over from the time you actually passed him and flipped him the bird and --

Line 17. A. That was the only speed bump.

Line 18. Q. Just the one?

Line 19. A. It was just that one speed bump.


John Garrido Deposition taken 10/6/2008

Pg. 9 Line. 13-14. Q. Were there speed bumps where the white car stopped short?

Line 15. A. No, no. It was far. By the park.